My 130' turntable at the Bombay yard became inoperable a while back, so I decided to replace it with a new one. It was a major task, as all tracks leading to it had to be removed and re-laid. I decided to add more storage track for locomotives on the shed. the first pictures is of what it looked before and the 2ndt one is what it became. I just finished the initial work.
A small passenger train being pulled by a 0-6-0 locomotive, ready to leave the station.
Picture of two WG locomotives, designed for freight but also hauled passenger trains. Made in India a record 2450 were made, making it one of the largest steam locomotive classes of the world.
In the small industrial area of a coal facility I added wrought iron wall and factory gates.
Here is a picture of Northern Railway WG 2-8-2 on a turntable in Agra. This was a manual turntable.
Picture of a Broad Gauge 2-8-2 goods locomotive entering a turntable. These loco were built in vast numbers about 2000 of these were built. it had a tractive effort of 38,890 lb/f
Another picture of a meter gauge turntable and repair roundhouse taken from a section of the roundhouse. Alas most of these turntables and sheds no longer exist
A black & white picture of a WG 2-8-2 on a hand operated turntable in repair facility (Shed)
Picture of a colonial ear turntable and shed. These were very common in all junction town in India. A 2-2-0 locomotive is on the turntable
Picture of a meter gauge steam era turntable and repair shed (Shed is what repair facilities are called in India)
A picture of an actual (still used) inspection trolly in India. These trolleys are hand pushed and allows the inspection team to check rails for damage. A very unique Indian way to do things.
AuthorI am of Indian descent and moved to the USA in Mid 1970's. Model Railroads and Model Remote Controlled Aircraft are my two hobbies both of which I have been pursuing since my childhood in India. Archives
January 2021